- Only health, aged care, corrections and border workers will be required to be vaccinated and wear marks.
- Free masks and rapid antigen tests are available from testing sites and collection points.
- Increased access to antiviral medication for those more likely to end up in hospital.
Rapid Antigen Tests
- Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) can be accessed via designated collection sites (see the Healthpoint website), the My Covid App, or the Covid-19 website
- There is no eligibility criteria, you do not need to be unwell to collect either RATs
Rapid antigen testing is about 80 per cent accurate. This may mean having someone onsite who has COVID-19 that could infect other workers, which could further compromise business operations.
Updates about rapid antigen tests, accessing them and self-reporting results can be found on the Ministry of Health’s website.
Antiviral medication
To reduce the severity of a COVID-19 infection, antiviral medication will be available to a broader group of ‘at risk’ individuals
- Anyone over 75 years of age who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be eligible to access antivirals through their GP.
- At-risk patients for acute respiratory illnesses can be pre-approved by their GP and have their prescription ready should they become unwell and need the medicine immediately.
Managing COVID-19 cases at work
Covid-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021
- Summary by BusinessNZ
- The Act in detail
- Guidance for the primary sector on the Ministry for Primary Industries website
- Ministry of Health
- WorkSafe NZ offers guidance to help employers make a risk assessment under the Health and Safety at Work Act to decide whether they can require vaccination for different types of work.
- Business continuity amid COVID-19: EMA website
- Travel information
- Tackling misinformation and scams about vaccination
Support for businesses
COVID Support Payment is for businesses who've had the 40% drop in revenue. See ird.govt.nz/csp.
The Small Business Cash Flow Loan Scheme provides loans to small businesses COVID-19 to support their cash flow needs.
- Business.govt.nz: COVID-19: Financial support for businesses
MBIE: Covid-19 support - Inland Revenue
International transport of goods
NZ Trade and Enterprise can help with exporting goods from NZ.
To access even more resources – including in-depth market information – sign up to myNZTE, our free online portal for exporters.
Contact us if you need any help or have any questions.
Animal Welfare
Animal welfare issues or questions can be emailed to MPI at animalwelfare@mpi.govt.nz
COVID-19 Business Helpline
For business-related advice:
South Island: 0800 50 50 96 via the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce
North Island: 0800 500362 via EMA
Environmental Protection Authority
HSNO queries:
Christopher Hill Christopher.Hill@epa.govt.nz
Paula Knaap Paula.Knaap@epa.govt.nz
Ministry for Primary Industries
For specific COVID-19 queries: 0800 00 83 83 or e-mail info@mpi.govt.nz (answered within 24 hours).
ACVM enquiries: Karen Booth Karen.Booth@mpi.govt.nz
Air-freight imports/exports: myfreight@nzte.govt.nz
Ministry of Health
Contact tracing: 0800 800 606 or email: help@covidtracer.min.health.nz
Situation in Australia
CropLife Australia has added a dedicated COVID-19 page with the latest Australian information and links regarding escalated border closures and other government advice.