By balancing environmental, economic and societal concerns, the plant science industry contributes to sustainable agriculture.

Regulatory environment

A more efficient regulatory environment is important given that markets are increasingly demanding produce with low or nil residues.

Efficient processing of applications for newer and softer chemistry is vital for maintaining New Zealand's key export crops.

Food – more is needed

Plant science technologies have helped farmers to double global food production over the last 50 years.

Food production must continue to increase – with an estimated 70 percent increase needed to meet rising demand for food by 2050.

The industry’s worth

New Zealand’s crop protection industry is estimated to be worth NZ$350 million a year at wholesale level and exports generate much more.

NZIER report: The Importance of Crop Protection Products for The New Zealand Economy

A landmark report by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research shows that New Zealand’s economy would lose up to $11.4 billion without crop protection products – and that crops would lose 30 percent of their value overall.

Healthy Crops News